You Don’t Have To Ride To Enjoy Thursday Bike Nights At Leon’s - Union County Daily Digital

2022-05-14 07:39:03 By : Mr. Jon zhang

Kristie Kemper (Photo courtesy QFM96)

Looking forward to another boring Thursday night in front of the Boob Tube, re-watching Sons of Anarchy for the 15th time with nothing but a few lame light beers in in fridge?

It’s time for a break. And by that we mean getting out of the house and having a little fun. Such as:

A very large selection of tasty lagers, pilsners, Belgians and ales with varying gradations of color, IBU, and ABV? Check.

And for those of you who prefer something a little stronger, there is but a short walk to sample some of the finest bourbons (and other spirits) that can be found in the United States right next door? Check.

All this, plus a chance to get your name entered into a drawing to win a 2022 Honda Rebel, donated by Honda Marysville Motorsports, and a V.I.P. trip to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally with $2,500 in folding money to spend on leather and chrome while you are there? Check.

Then get off the couch and visit Leon’s Garage, 326 E. 5th St., on Thursday evenings this summer because that is where motorcycle enthusiasts, beer and bourbon connoisseurs and those who just enjoy adult beverages and live music will be hanging from 6 to 9 p.m., all in the name of charity.

Leon’s Garage has partnered with Columbus’ own QFM96 – one of the most respected classic rock radio stations in the country – for Thursday Bike Nights, right here in Uptown Marysville

Motorcycle clubs are very well known to hold charities near and dear and many a biker spends the better part of his or her summer in the wind throttling their way on the highway and byways of Ohio raising funds for everything from veterans charities to cancer research with rallies, poker runs and such.

Kristie Kemper, who has been an on-the-air fixture at WLVQ (96.3 on your FM radio dial) for the past 31 years and is the Dean of Columbus Area broadcasters (yes, Kristie, I said it) and QFM96 have been doing Bike Night fundraisers at clubs and venues around Central Ohio for the past eight years – and except for a break caused by the pandemic – and is thrilled about having a permanent home for the Bike Nights in Marysville, a place where various motorcycle clubs can call home for a Thursday night fundraiser. She called Leon’s Garage a “crown jewel” and noted that it was the perfect spot hold the rallies, which will feature a different club or charity each Thursday through the summer.  And, of course, give bikers, drivers and hangers-on another shot at buying a ticket for the 2022 Rebel or the trip to Sturgis. This Thursday evening, IMPACT60 will be the beneficiary of any donations collected throughout the night and rumor has it that those wearing orange may be in line to possibly win a door prize or two.

Ms. Kemper will be at Leon’s Thursday – and Thursdays to come – to emcee the events and make sure that everyone is having a good time and pitching in for the good causes that make Thursday Bike Nights worth the while.

“What makes Leon’s so wonderful is that Bike Nights are rain or shine,” Ms. Kemper said of Leon’s newly-constructed indoor stage. “We have live local music every week, ‘THE’ best local cover bands in Central Ohio every Thursday, and of course Leon’s stage is inside, so if it’s raining, no problem. Bike Nights continue. If you can’t get on your bikes and ride, you can get in your car and drive,” Ms. Kemper said with a chuckle. “No excuses.”

QFM96’s Kristie Kemper talks about Bike Nights

“I love it and we’re really grown it over the past eight years,” Ms. Kemper admitted. “It’s kind of my baby. I look forward to getting out there every Thursday and thank the listeners who have been with us for the past 45 years.”

The doors open at 6 p.m. Thursday and Hott Lucy will be hitting the stage to rock the house at 7 p.m. Bikers and clubs from all over the area are invited to attend, as are, of course, those who don’t ride but are also looking for a good time.

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