DES MOINES, Iowa — A series of public meetings have been set on the carbon capture pipeline planned by Navigator CO2 Ventures.
There will be 13 public information meetings from Aug. 22 through Sept 21, including a virtual public meeting at 6 p.m. Sept. 21 that will be accessible through the Iowa Utilities Board Webex system. A full list of meetings can be found on the Iowa Utilities Board website.
Last month, Navigator announced the project was adding18 bioprocessing facilities in Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota all owned by POET, the world's largest producer of biofuel. Navigator's Heartland Greenway project, which also includes ethanol plants in Minnesota and Illinois, would use about 1,300 miles of pipeline to capture carbon dioxide from the plants and pipe it to Illinois.
It is one of thee carbon capture project projects in the works in Iowa. Others are by Summit Carbon Solutions and by Wolf Carbon Solutions, which is partnering with ADM.
The projects seek to cash in on tax credits for carbon storage and help ethanol plants lower their carbon scores.
A group of pipeline opponents called the Iowa Carbon Pipeline Resistance Coalition plans to demonstrate at the Iowa Utilities Board monthly board meeting on Tuesday, July 12, in Des Moines. The meeting begins at 9 a.m.
The pipeline projects have drawn objections over the potential use of eminent domain to force landowners to provide right-of-way, concerns about damage to farmland and questions about the safety of hazardous materials pipelines, among other issues.