Minority Mental Health Month event Friday, Saturday at EGCC
STEUBENVLLE — With July being Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, the National Alliance on Mental Illness Greater Wheeling is hosting a speakers panel on Friday and Saturday at Eastern Gateway Community College, 110 John Scott Highway, Steubenville, in lecture hall 2100-2102.
The women’s speaker panel on Friday at 7:30 p.m. will discuss women’s issues with the keynote speaker being Adia Smith. Panelists will include Angelita Forte’, Angela Kirtdoll Bates, Chaplain Clarissa Speaker, Dionna Prentice-Burwell and Sherine Gray.
The men’s speaker panel on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. will discuss men’s issues with Clarence Mitchell Sr. as the keynote speaker. Panelists include Clarence Mitchell Jr., Courtney Brown, Michael McIntyre, Pastor Marvin Barner Jr. and Tyrone Roseberry.
The event is being held to discuss minorities and mental health disparities.
Metal Fest at Wells Township Haunted House on July 9
BRILLIANT — Wells Township Haunted House, located at 101 Market St, Brilliant, will open its gates at 3 p.m. on July 9 for its second-annual Mid-Summer Metal Fest.
Seven regional heavy metal bands will take the stage at 4 p.m. before the haunted house opens its doors for its Lights Out Tour at 7 p.m. The single admission price of $14 includes the concert and haunted house tour.
Ripple Recording Artists with more that 2 million Spotify streams, Doctor Smoke headlines the heavy metal lineup that includes Altared States of Wheeling; Iron Brigade, Skarlett Sky and Strangle the Witness, all of Pittsburgh; Skeptic Lens of Akron; and Agnauseam of Columbus. Limited seating is available, so personal lawn chairs are welcome.
While the event is open to participants of all ages, alcohol in coolers is welcome (cans only, no glass) for those 21 years of age and older who present positive identification. Concessions will be available. A mechanical bull will be among the evening’s entertainment offerings at an additional cost. Guests touring the haunted house must sign a waiver before entering. April’s Rockin’ Merch will be on hand offering handmade jewelry, band pins and clay sculptures.
Sean Norman, owner and operator of Wells Township Haunted House, said last year’s event trial-run was a huge success and so he and Mike Tronka, co-founder of the event and Altared States guitarist, have decided to continue it as an annual concert festival. “Heavy metal and horror go hand in hand,” Norman said. “During the Halloween season, we usually have metal bands playing on the stage here for the crowd. Mike approached me to give this a try, and it went better than our wildest dreams.”
Tronka said he approached Norman because his band enjoyed playing at the venue. “Altared States played here one Friday night in October, and we thought it should be used more often for metal shows,” he said. “They have a roomy stage, quality sound system and technician, lighting and even fun pyrotechnics. I asked Sean to take a chance.”
This year, the event has added two bands to expand the evening’s length, but ticket prices have not increased. Proceeds of the Wells Township Haunted House year-long activities are used to fund scholarships for the attraction’s high school staff.
Presale tickets are available at www.wellstownshiphauntedhouse.com.ticketleap.com.
STEUBENVILLE — The Steubenville High School Class of 1952 is planning its 70-year reunion for July 9 at Froehlich’s Classic Corner, 501 Washington St., Steubenville, beginning at 4 p.m.
Classmates interested should call contact Lil Ferguson at (740) 264-2232.
House of Prayer pays tribute to
BRILLIANT — The House of Prayer held a special service to honor all the fathers of the church.
Special fathers singled out and presented special gifts were: Oldest father, Sam Firm Sr.; youngest father, Keith Jarman; and 2022 father of the year, Jim Westfall. A token of love and appreciation was presented to all fathers in attendance.
Libraries to offer screenings of four films on Saturdays in July
WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library and its Follansbee branch will offer free screenings of four films tied to the oceanic theme of its summer reading program at 10:30 a.m. each Saturday this month.
Films to be shown at the Wellsburg library are “Finding Dory,” rated PG, Saturday, “47 Meters Down: Uncaged,” rated PG-13, July 9; “Soul Surfer,” rated PG, July 16; “The Shallows,” rated PG-13, July 23: and “Dolphin Tale,” rated PG, July 30.
Films to be shown at the Follansbee library are: “The Shallows,” Saturday; “Dolphin Tale,” July 9; “Pirate Fairy,” rated PG-13; “Finding Dory,” July 23; and “47 Meters Down: Uncaged,” July 30.
Popcorn and water will be provided, and attendees are welcome to bring their own snacks. To reserve a seat, call (304) 737-1551 or visit https://brookecountylibs.org/programming-registration.
WELLSBURG — The Brooke County Public Library will show the PG rated Pixar film, “Luca,” at noon on July 8. To reserve a seat for the free screening, call (304) 737-1551 or visit https://brookecountylibs.org/programming-registration.
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Minority Mental Health Month event Friday, Saturday at EGCC STEUBENVLLE — With July being Minority Mental ...
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