Energy transition - stop talking, start doing - The Australian Pipeliner

2022-05-28 08:34:18 By : Mr. Silo xu

Australia’s abundance of natural resources and the growing public interest in renewable and “clean” energy should be motivation enough to drive the conversion of existing pipeline infrastructure. Costs for electrolyzers and uncertainty about the suitability of the existing infrastructure are some of the reasons that are dampening this drive and the motivation to reduce Australia’s carbon footprint.

Se veral demonstration projects are progressing to identify suitable blending ratios and potential operational constraints in Australia’s gas networks. However, these pilot projects are far from commercial viability and offer hardly any insights into scale effects. Amendments are being made to the national gas regulatory framework to accommodate the larger-scale blending of hydrogen and other renewable gases into the Australian gas network. This development should open the door for operators to move from test scale to utility scale very soon.

However, the definition of a comprehensive, risk-based integrity management process to facilitate safe conversion and subsequent operation of a hydrogen pipeline is still lagging behind the pace of current industry initiatives – even in the current versions of hydrogen pipeline standards, such as ASME B31.12 and EIGA 121/14. The ROSEN Group has therefore developed a hydrogen framework and phased approach to facilitate the safe transition of existing pipeline infrastructure and to help gas pipeline operators meet future commitments.

Figure 1 shows a schematic version of this approach. Phase 1 is focused on data collection and gap analysis in order to appraise the overall feasibility of conversion as well as to define the detailed strategy to close out data gaps.

Phase 2 defines the “baseline” integrity status of the pipeline to pre- and post-conversion integrity threats so it can be fed into a conversion risk assessment. Phase 3 implements the actions required to manage the identified risks to acceptable levels and provides engineering substantiation against code and regulatory compliance. Finally, Phase 4 is focused on the post-conversion integrity management plan required to be able to continuously manage the post-conversion integrity status.

Phase 1: Development of a conversion strategy and conversion feasibility

In order to be able to quantify the threat of conversion of an existing pipeline, data in two primary areas is required. First, a comprehensive understanding of the existing (or potentially credible “post-conversion”) anomaly types that may be susceptible to hydrogen degradation, and, second, a robust understanding of the material properties associated with these anomaly types in a hydrogen environment and how they will govern the post-conversion “sensitivity” to hydrogen damage.

It should be acknowledged that the main threats to a hydrogen pipeline (fatigue crack or sub-critical crack growth due to hydrogen embrittlement) are unlikely to be purely time-dependent but rather operationally dependent on the applied loading – particularly pressure and pressure cycling. This impact is amplified when considering the difference in hydrogen fluid properties as compared to methane (with a calorific value and density of around 1/3 and 1/8 that of methane, respectively), which means higher flow rates and pressures, as well as pressure swings, will be an operational byproduct of the desire to transport equivalent amounts of energy.

It is therefore clear that the upfront definition of the post-conversion operational regime (i.e. hydrogen composition; supply and demand characteristics) drives the post-conversion threat and therefore the conversion strategy itself.

For example, ASME B31.12 specifies that “the embrittlement effects of dry hydrogen gas” should be taken into account in an integrity management system. It offers two options:

•  Option A is a more prescriptive method that requires a less detailed understanding of pipeline material property behaviour in a hydrogen environment (but still requires extensive knowledge of “as-is” material properties). The tradeoff is that it places severe restrictions on the design factor; these become more acute with increasing location class and material strength (known as the material performance factor). Considering that the required post-conversion operational duty is likely to be more onerous, these restrictions may not be viable for high-pressure transmission gas lines currently operating at high design factors.

•  Option B relaxes these restrictions but at the expense of requiring a detailed material characterisation in a hydrogen environment. Collecting the information to support Option B may therefore require significant effort and time, even just to identify the range of materials present in the pipeline where existing records are limited.

Material characterisation knowledge should not just cover the line pipe itself but all materials in the line, including construction welds, in-line fittings and ancillaries forming part of the pipeline battery limits, such as forged bends, tees, block valves and sealing elements. Any repairs or modifications during the service life may have also introduced additional material populations to the line, all of which will vary in their susceptibility to hydrogen damage.

Of particular importance for hydrogen conversion is an understanding across material populations of:

•  tensile properties (noting that hydrogen compatibility is generally understood to diminish with increasing strength, meaning that knowledge of the grade and therefore the specification minimum alone will not suffice)

•  hardness (needs to be limited to manage the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement)

•  fracture toughness data in air and hydrogen (unlikely to be available)

Whenever the term material “populations” is used, it refers to a grouping of similar components that should exhibit consistent material properties. For example, when talking about line pipe, a single population would represent spools having the same technical delivery conditions (grade, weld type, wall thickness) procured as part of the same production run (chemistry and processing conditions) from a specific manufacturer.

For modern pipelines procured in line with API 5L PSL2 and constructed in line with modern codes, such as AS2885.2, the first three items may already be readily available through aligned and digitized as-built records. However, for older assets that have seen multiple modifications, repairs and, potentially, changes in ownership, the data may still be in the form of physical recordings. The effort required to recover and align this information, if available at all, may be significant and therefore must be factored into the overall feasibility appraisal and conversion strategy.

It goes without saying that an effective data management system to store, align and visualise data, both in terms of materials and integrity threats, is critical to the success of an accurate condition assessment as well as to the identification of data gaps. An example of a pipeline material “dashboard” is shown below; it provides an asset-specific breakdown of the different line pipe materials based on existing material records.

In terms of integrity threat knowledge, robust surveillance, monitoring and inspection datasets should in theory already be available to satisfy the existing integrity management system requirements. However, it is unlikely that this will cover all of the potential post-conversion integrity threats. For example, fatigue crack growth associated with planar weld manufacturing anomalies such as lack of fusion is not usually considered a threat to gas transmission lines, which means that ILI crack detection datasets are not always available. With this threat being elevated in hydrogen service, an understanding of crack-like anomalies present in the pipeline becomes far more important. When collecting this data, consideration is required that material degradation in hydrogen service means that smaller “critical” defect limits will generally be observed. First defining the critical defect size, then reviewing the suitability of existing inspection technologies (ILI or otherwise) to detect, classify and size these defects is therefore a key consideration in conversion feasibility.

From a risk assessment perspective, proximity and population density infringements as well as area classification will be impacted by the introduction of hydrogen. To support the feasibility assessment, a high-level screening tool has been developed to appraise the impact on consequence modelling and to therefore identify any major modifications likely required to manage risks to acceptable levels.

The ROSEN framework assigns data gaps a risk-driven priority designation along with a “close-out effort” score reflecting viability, cost and timescales. The output here is to provide the user with a feasibility ranking to either act as a tool for prioritising certain pipelines for conversion within a given network, for budgeting and scheduling purposes, or simply to act as a project “go/no-go” gate.

Phase 2: Establishment of a pipeline risk profile

Risk assessment is the central activity in the next phase; it will generally take on the form of a qualitative structural reliability analysis (SRA) assessing the change in the probability of failure under the modified service conditions. This will be primarily associated with the implications of reduced fracture toughness and ductility on existing damage mechanisms as well as the likely increase in fatigue crack growth rates in hydrogen. Consequence of failure will take into account the range of overpressure hazards considering the change in ignition probability, failure mode, and the differences in ignition and decompression behaviour of hydrogen.

The conversion impact on existing integrity management system processes, procedures and work instructions should also be considered as part of the risk-based approach to future integrity management. Additional inspection, monitoring, surveillance or analytics actions required to continue to manage integrity threats to acceptable levels need to be identified.

The risk assessment output will prioritise which further material characterisation is a “must” across the pipeline. If existing records are limited, first developing an understanding of the material populations actually present in the pipeline may be required prior to any hydrogen-specific material testing taking place. “Intelligent” material sampling is attractive because it opens the door to targeted material testing, thus reducing costs and timescales – as opposed to the “sampling-based” approach every 1.6 km as required by ASME B31.12.

A number of commercial in-line inspection (ILI) options are available to support this task. One of them is ROSEN’s RoMat PGS service, which performs line pipe population grouping and analysis based on the material’s magnetic response. Other novel technologies for the in-line measurement of spool toughness, hard spots and stress state are also in development. Non-destructive external testing methods have also been heavily adopted by the pipeline industry recently – especially in the U.S., where PHMSA’s recently introduced updated gas rule mandates material characterisation to substantiate a safe operating envelope.

Formal validation that the condition and integrity of the pipeline and the risks posed by it are acceptable for the conversion is the next step. Formal post-conversion MAOP confirmation supported by the actioned risk assessment should be available to provide a robust justification for seeking authorisation from the relevant regulatory body. Conversion readiness will also require a risk-driven update of the existing integrity management system and any operation and maintenance documentation to suit hydrogen service as well as the installation of additional telemetry in the pipeline.

Any modifications required to execute risk assessment actions (e.g. installation of additional pipeline protection, replacement of materials with non-compliant metallurgical properties and/or repair of existing anomalies) and the development of the conversion procedure (including purging, introduction of the new fluid, leak testing and raising the pressure to the new MOP [with any associated proof testing if uprating has occurred]) should also be covered here.

The hydrogen conversion is undertaken after formal regulatory approval has been obtained.

Phase 4: Post-conversion integrity management plan

Implementation of the hydrogen integrity management system will likely drive a more frequent and varied range of inspection, survey and data collection techniques being used during the initial post-conversion period – until a robust understanding of threat time-dependency for the asset can be established. Close monitoring and analysis of the operational regime versus the assumptions made during the risk assessment are therefore key in being able to identify and react to any change in threat level, particularly in terms of fatigue crack growth.

Moreover, further material sampling and testing will likely be required, such that the estimated material degradation can be compared to risk assessment assumptions. As always, the pipeline industry needs to pool its research and expertise in this area. At the same time, however, it is important to acknowledge that material properties will vary in quality and consistency from pipeline to pipeline and that, as such, asset-specific data will always be required until a sufficient body of industry research is established.

The ROSEN approach is intended to provide some structure to operators considering conversion in what is currently a very fast-moving and evolving new industry arena. It is clear that the feasibility of conversion is critically dependent on being able to first develop a robust integrity “fingerprint” of the asset in terms of its materials makeup and integrity threats in order to enable a robust appraisal of post-conversion risks. ROSEN’s phased approach focuses on early upfront identification of key data gaps and the viability of closing out these gaps to provide the pipeline operator with an early overall “picture” of the cost, time, effort and risks associated with the conversion process.

For more information visit ROSEN Group.

This article featured in the May edition of The Australian Pipeliner. 

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