Letter to the editor: Carbon neutrality a pipe dream | TribLIVE.com

2022-09-16 22:29:32 By : Ms. Alice Huigan

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In this letter “Carbon neutrality unavailable” (Aug. 31, TribLIVE), Karl Pfirrmann provided information about requirements and availability of electricity to meet the demand of total electric autos in light of the Democratic Congress and President Joe Biden’s commitment to be carbon neutral by year 2050. Pfirrmann is a renowned and respected authority on the bulk power supply of generation and extra high voltage transmission of electric energy. He knows the grid. If he says that carbon neutral is not attainable by 2050, then it’s not going to happen.

With that in mind, we should question the magnitude of the resources committed by the Democratic Congress and Biden toward the pipe dream of a carbon neutral society by 2050. It’s shameful that those resources could not have been better directed to improving the lives of those who live in the impoverished inner cities of our major metropolitan areas. These improvements are long overdue. Despite all the political promises directed at them, nothing ever happens.

Now you can understand one of the primary reasons why not a single Republican congressman voted for the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. It’s simply more good money thrown at more bad policy.

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