Ivan Radukevich, Head of MMK's Russia Sales Department, said MKK is the largest supplier of rolled products for pipe production in Russia. The company's representative spoke about its activities in the pipe products market and in steel rolled products for its production at the 12th All-Russian Conference "Steel Pipes: Production and Regional Sales" in Chelyabinsk.
In 2021, the MMK shipped 3.9 million tonnes of hot-rolled steel from the Magnitogorsk production site, about 60% of which went to pipe manufacturers. The majority (70%) of the rolled products for the pipe industry were marketed to the regions where the company operates, namely the Urals, the Volga region and Siberia. It is important to note that MMK is also a pipe manufacturer itself, producing round, galvanised and shaped pipes.
In a highly competitive market, the most promising marketing strategy is to find and consolidate market niches. That is why MMK sees expansion into new markets and product segments, as well working to improve product quality, as key areas for sales development. In addition, the company strongly prioritises customer service development, the introduction of modern IT technologies and continuous improvement of all business processes.
In April 2021, MMK launched a new electronic sales channel, market.mmk.ru, which is now successfully developing. More than 3,300 users have registered on this marketplace. Average monthly sales in Q4 of last year approached the mark of 3,000 tonnes of products. The Company plans to further promote and develop its corporate marketplace.
The establishment of MMK's production and logistics centre in Togliatti is also contributing to the development of a customer-oriented approach. The company brought its warehouse complex into operation in March of this year and plans to launch the main production lines in July 2022.
The 12th All-Russian Conference "Steel Pipes: Production and Regional Sales" is taking place May 19-20 in Chelyabinsk. The key topics of the conference are supply and demand on the steel pipe market in Russia and the CIS, as well as production, investment and sales policies of pipe manufacturers, the pricing environment on the steel pipe market, and more. The event brings together more than 100 managers and specialists from pipe, metallurgical and trading companies.
OAO MMK - Magnitogorskiy Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat published this content on 19 May 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 20 May 2022 09:04:07 UTC.