Shelton company looks to relocate to Mountain View Drive site

2022-07-15 22:42:52 By : Mr. Sumter Lo

SHELTON — A local company’s expansion plans have them eyeing space on Mountain View Drive.

Shelton Winair Co., long located on River Road, has proposed a move to 10 Mountain View Drive, present home to a vacant 31,000-square-foot building.

Wholesalers Property Co., the contract purchaser for the site, has filed a request for a special exception to allow for expansion of the present building. The request calls for allowing a wholesale, warehousing and distribution facility on the site.

Shelton Winair Co. is a wholesale supplier to contractors of HVACR products and supplies, such as pipe and tube fittings, pipe, tubing and hoses, water heaters, heating and cooling, and electrical pumps, among other equipment.

The special exception application has been filed with the Planning and Zoning Commission. A public hearing date will be set for a future date.

The plans, according to the application, call for construction of an 11,000-square-foot addition to the present building. Shelton Winair is currently located at 740 River Road, which is the subject of another proposed development.

If approved, the property would have 42 parking spaces and four loading spaces. There would be a maximum of 20 employees on site at any one time, and the hours of operation would be 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 8 to 10 a.m. on Saturday.

Brian Gioiele has been working with weekly newspapers, including stints as editor in Weston, Monroe and now Shelton, since 1993. He has covered all aspects of local and state news and sports, winning awards for sports and news writing. He has spent the rest of his time with his four children, watching Boston sports and soccer.