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Accordingly, the US DOC has determined that South Korean companies’ sales of the subject goods were made below normal value during the period of review. In addition, the DOC found that HiSteel Co., Ltd. made no shipments during the period of review.
The DOC has determined weighted-average dumping margins of 4.07 percent for Husteel Co., Ltd., 1.97 percent for Hyundai Steel Company and 3.21 percent for other South Korean companies, in line with the preliminary results.
The final antidumping duties for the country are applicable from May 4.
The subject merchandise is provided for in subheadings 7306.30.1000, 7306.30.5025, 7306.30.5032, 7306.30.5040, 7306.30.5055, 7306.30.5085, and 7306.30.5090 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS).