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Shell has received a consensus rating of Buy. The company's average rating score is 3.00, and is based on 5 buy ratings, no hold ratings, and no sell ratings.
According to analysts' consensus price target of $1,066.20, Shell has a forecasted upside of 1,847.8% from its current price of $54.74.
Shell has only been the subject of 2 research reports in the past 90 days.
Shell has received 270 “outperform” votes. (Add your “outperform” vote.)
Shell has received 125 “underperform” votes. (Add your “underperform” vote.)
Shell has received 68.35% “outperform” votes from our community.
MarketBeat's community ratings are surveys of what our community members think about Shell and other stocks. Vote “Outperform” if you believe SHEL will outperform the S&P 500 over the long term. Vote “Underperform” if you believe SHEL will underperform the S&P 500 over the long term. You may vote once every thirty days.
Shell is a leading dividend payer. It pays a dividend yield of 3.62%, putting its dividend yield in the top 25% of dividend-paying stocks.
Shell does not have a long track record of dividend growth.
The dividend payout ratio of Shell is 37.21%. This payout ratio is at a healthy, sustainable level, below 75%.
Based on earnings estimates, Shell will have a dividend payout ratio of 25.91% next year. This indicates that Shell will be able to sustain or increase its dividend.
In the past three months, Shell insiders have not sold or bought any company stock.
Only 1.00% of the stock of Shell is held by insiders.
Only 11.31% of the stock of Shell is held by institutions.
Earnings for Shell are expected to decrease by -6.44% in the coming year, from $7.92 to $7.41 per share.
The P/E ratio of Shell is 10.61, which means that it is trading at a less expensive P/E ratio than the market average P/E ratio of about 12.74.
The P/E ratio of Shell is 10.61, which means that it is trading at a less expensive P/E ratio than the Oils/Energy sector average P/E ratio of about 15.21.
Shell has a PEG Ratio of 0.85. PEG Ratios below 1 indicate that a company could be undervalued.
Shell has a P/B Ratio of 1.20. P/B Ratios below 3 indicates that a company is reasonably valued with respect to its assets and liabilities.
5 Wall Street research analysts have issued "buy," "hold," and "sell" ratings for Shell in the last twelve months. There are currently 5 buy ratings for the stock. The consensus among Wall Street research analysts is that investors should "buy" Shell stock. View analyst ratings for Shell or view top-rated stocks.
Shell's stock was trading at $33.74 on March 11th, 2020 when Coronavirus reached pandemic status according to the World Health Organization. Since then, SHEL shares have increased by 62.2% and is now trading at $54.74. View which stocks have been most impacted by COVID-19.
Shell is scheduled to release its next quarterly earnings announcement on Thursday, May 5th 2022. View our earnings forecast for Shell.
Shell plc (NYSE:SHEL) released its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, February, 3rd. The energy company reported $1.65 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $1.40 by $0.25. The energy company had revenue of $90.22 billion for the quarter. Shell had a net margin of 7.37% and a trailing twelve-month return on equity of 11.34%. View Shell's earnings history.
Shell declared a quarterly dividend on Thursday, February 3rd. Investors of record on Friday, February 18th will be given a dividend of $0.48 per share on Monday, March 28th. This represents a $1.92 annualized dividend and a yield of 3.51%. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, February 17th. View Shell's dividend history.
Shell pays an annual dividend of $1.92 per share and currently has a dividend yield of 3.62%. The dividend payout ratio of Shell is 37.21%. This payout ratio is at a healthy, sustainable level, below 75%. Based on earnings estimates, Shell will have a dividend payout ratio of 25.91% next year. This indicates that Shell will be able to sustain or increase its dividend. View Shell's dividend history.
5 brokers have issued 1 year target prices for Shell's stock. Their forecasts range from $66.00 to $2,570.00. On average, they anticipate Shell's stock price to reach $1,066.20 in the next twelve months. This suggests a possible upside of 1,847.8% from the stock's current price. View analysts' price targets for Shell or view top-rated stocks among Wall Street analysts.
Some companies that are related to Shell include TotalEnergies (TTE), PetroChina (PTR), Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras (PBR), Canadian Natural Resources (CNQ), EOG Resources (EOG), Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD), Occidental Petroleum (OXY), ENI (E), Devon Energy (DVN), Ecopetrol (EC), Cenovus Energy (CVE), Diamondback Energy (FANG), RWE Aktiengesellschaft (RWEOY), Woodside Petroleum (WOPEY) and Continental Resources (CLR). View all of SHEL's competitors.
Shell trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol "SHEL."
Shell's stock is owned by a variety of institutional and retail investors. Top institutional shareholders include Kozak & Associates Inc. (0.00%).
SHEL stock was bought by a variety of institutional investors in the last quarter, including Kozak & Associates Inc..
Shares of SHEL can be purchased through any online brokerage account. Popular online brokerages with access to the U.S. stock market include WeBull, Vanguard Brokerage Services, TD Ameritrade, E*TRADE, Robinhood, Fidelity, and Charles Schwab. Compare Top Brokerages Here.
One share of SHEL stock can currently be purchased for approximately $54.74.
Shell has a market capitalization of $209.38 billion and generates $272.66 billion in revenue each year. The energy company earns $20.10 billion in net income (profit) each year or $5.16 on an earnings per share basis.
Shell employs 87,000 workers across the globe.
The following companies are subsidiares of Shell: 10084751 Canada Limited, 1745844 Alberta Ltd., 7026609 Canada Inc., 7645929 Canada Limited, A/S Dansk Shell, A/S Norske Shell, Accurasea, Aera Energy LLC, Aera Energy Services Company, Airefsol Energies, Airefsol Energies 2, Airefsol Energies 8, Airefsol Energies 9, Al Jomaih and Shell Lubricating Oil Co.Ltd., Alle S.R.L., Alliance Automation Pty Ltd, Alliance Holding LLC, Amilcar Petroleum Operations S.A., Angkor Shell Limited, Anhui Shell Energy Company Limited, Aquila S.p.A., Arizona A1 LLC, Arizona B1 LLC, Arrow Energy Holdings Pty Ltd, Asiatic Petroleum Company (Dublin) Limited, Asset Management and Power Services LLC, Atlantic 2/3 Holdings LLC, Atlantic 4 Holdings LLC, Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind LLC, Attiki Gas B.V., Au Energy LLC, Austen & Butta Pty Ltd, Autogas Limited, Aviation Fuelling Services Norway AS, Avitair SAS, B-Snug Limited, B.R.E. B.V., B.V. Dordtsche Petroleum Maatschappij, B.V. Petroleum Assurantie Maatschappij, BC 789 Holdings Pty Ltd, BEB Erdgas und Erdoel GmbH & Co. KG, BEB Holding GmbH, BG (Uruguay) S.A., BG 2/3 Investments Limited, BG Asia Pacific Holdings Pte. Limited, BG Asia Pacific Services Pte. Ltd., BG Atlantic 1 Holdings Limited, BG Atlantic 2/3 Holdings Limited, BG Atlantic 4 Holdings Limited, BG Brasilia LLC, BG CPS Pty Limited, BG Central Holdings Limited, BG Central Holdings Ltd., BG Comercio e Importacao Ltda., BG Cyprus Limited, BG Delta Limited, BG Egypt S.A., BG Employee Shares Trustees Limited, BG Energy Capital Plc, BG Energy Finance Inc., BG Energy Holdings Limited, BG Energy Iberian Holdings S.L., BG Energy Marketing Limited, BG Energy Merchants LLC, BG Equatorial Guinea Limited, BG Exploration & Production Myanmar Pte. Ltd., BG Exploration and Production India Limited, BG Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited, BG Gas Brazil E&P 12 B.V., BG Gas Brazil Holdings B.V., BG Gas International B.V., BG Gas International Holdings B.V., BG Gas Netherlands Holdings B.V., BG Gas Sao Paulo Investments B.V., BG Gas Services Limited, BG Gas Supply (UK) Limited, BG General Holdings Limited, BG General Partner Limited, BG Great Britain Limited, BG Group, BG Group Employee Shares Trustees Limited, BG Group Limited, BG Group Pension Trustees Limited, BG Group Trustees Limited, BG Gulf Coast LNG LLC, BG India Energy Private Limited, BG India Energy Services Private Limited, BG India Energy Solutions Private Limited, BG Insurance Company (Singapore) Pte Ltd, BG Intellectual Property Limited, BG International Limited, BG International Services AB, BG Italia Power S.r.l, BG Karachaganak Limited, BG Kenya L10A Limited, BG Kenya L10B Limited, BG LNG Investments Limited, BG LNG Regas India Private Limited, BG LNG Services LLC, BG LNG Trading LLC, BG Mauritius LNG Holdings Ltd, BG Mongolia Holdings Limited, BG Mumbai Holdings Limited, BG Myanmar Pte. Ltd., BG Netherlands, BG Netherlands Financing Unlimited, BG Norge Limited, BG North America LLC, BG North Sea Holdings Limited, BG OKLNG Limited, BG Overseas Holdings Limited, BG Overseas Investments Limited, BG Overseas Limited, BG Pension Funding Scottish Limited Partnership, BG Petroleo & Gas Brasil Ltda., BG Rosetta Limited, BG South East Asia Limited, BG Subsea Well Project Limited, BG Tanzania Holdings Limited, BG Trinidad LNG Limited, BG UK Holdings Limited, BG US Services Inc., BG Upstream A Nigeria Limited, BG West Indies No. 2 Limited, BJS Oil Operations B.V., BJSA Exploration and Production B.V., BNG (Surat) Pty Ltd, Badr Petroleum Company, Bandurria Sur Investments S.A., Belgian Shell S.A., Beryl North Sea Limited, Bogstone Holding B.V., Braemar 3 Holdings Pty Ltd, Branstone (International) Limited, Brazil Crude Services LLC, Brazil Shipping I Limited, Brazos Wind Ventures LLC, Brindisi LNG S.r.l., British Pipeline Agency Limited, Brunei Shell Marketing Company Sendirian Berhad, Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad, CCM Energy Solutions Pty Ltd, CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited, CPC Shell Lubricants Co. Ltd, CRI Catalyst Company Europe Limited, CRI Deutschland GmbH, CRI Sales and Services Inc., CRI Zeolites Inc., Cansolv Technologies (Beijing) Company Limited, Cansolv Technologies Inc., Carissa Einzelhandel- und Tankstellenservice GmbH & Co. KG, Carissa Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Centrale Photovoltaïque Bouches-du-Rhône 1, Centrale Photovoltaïque Haute-Vienne 1, Centrale Photovoltaïque Landes 1, Centrale Photovoltaïque Var 1, Chongqing Shell Energy Company Limited, Chosun Shell B.V., Cicerone Holding B.V., Colbea Enterprises LLC, Comercial Importadora S.A. De C.V., Concha Chemical Pipeline LLC, Concilia Asesores y Servicios S.A. de C.V., Condamine 1 Pty Ltd, Condamine 2 Pty Ltd, Condamine 3 Pty Ltd, Condamine 4 Pty Ltd, Condamine Power Station Pty Ltd, Connected Freight Pte. Ltd., Connected Freight Solutions Philippines Inc., Coral Cibola Canada Inc., CrossWind Beheer B.V., Crosswind C.V., Deer Park Refining Limited Partnership, Delta Business Development Limited, Derivatives Trading Atlantic Limited, Deutsche Infineum GmbH & Co. KG, Deutsche Shell GmbH, Deutsche Shell Holding GmbH, Development S.R.L., Dinarel S.A., Dragon LNG Group Limited, E.R.M. Oakey Power Pty Ltd, ELLBA B.V., ELLBA C.V., EPP LLC, ERM Braemar 3 Power Pty Ltd, ERM Braemar 3 Pty Ltd, ERM Employee Share Plan Administrator Pty Ltd, ERM Energy Solutions Holdings Pty Ltd, ERM Financial Services Pty Ltd, ERM Gas Pty Ltd, ERM Gas WA01 Pty Ltd, ERM Holdings Pty Ltd, ERM Innovation Labs Pty Ltd, ERM Land Holdings Pty Ltd, ERM Neerabup Power Pty Ltd, ERM Neerabup Pty Ltd, ERM Oakey Power Holdings Pty Ltd, ERM Power Developments Pty Ltd, ERM Power Engineering Pty Ltd, ERM Power Generation Pty Ltd, ERM Power International Pty Ltd, ERM Power Investments Pty Ltd, ERM Power Limited, ERM Power Projects Pty Ltd, ERM Power Retail Pty Ltd, ERM Power Services Pty Ltd, ERM Power Utility Systems Pty Ltd, ERM Wellington 1 Holdings Pty Ltd, East Resources, Eastham Refinery Limited, Ellba Eastern (Pte) Ltd, Ellwood Land Holdings LLC, Energeticum Energiesysteme GmbH, Energiepark Pottendijk B.V., Energy Finance NZ Limited, Energy Holdings Offshore Limited, Enersol GmbH, Enterprise Oil Limited, Enterprise Oil Middle East Limited, Enterprise Oil Norge Limited, Enterprise Oil North America Inc., Enterprise Oil U.K. Limited, Eolfi SAS, Eolfi Scotland Limited, Eoliennes du Gentilhomme, Equilon Enterprises, Equilon Enterprises LLC, Erdoel-Raffinerie Deurag-Nerag GmbH, Euroshell Cards B.V., Fahari Gas Marketing Company Limited, Ferme Eolienne Flottante Stenella Rhône, First Telecommunications Limited, First Utility, First Utility Limited, Fuelng Pte. Ltd, Fulmart Limited, GI Energy Storage LLC, GOGB Limited, Gainrace Limited, Gas Del Litoral S. de R.L. de C.V., Gas Investments & Services Company Limited, Gas Resources Limited, Gasnor AS, Gazpromneft-Aero Bryansk LLC, Glossop Limited, Greenlots, Greenlots Technology India LLP, Greensense Pty Ltd, HKN LP 1 B.V., HKN LP 2 B.V., HKN LP 3 B.V., HKN LP 4 B.V., HKN LP 5 B.V., HKN LP 6 B.V., Hankook Shell Oil Company, Hazira Port Private Limited, Hkz Lp 18 B.V., Hkz Lp 19 B.V., Hkz Lp 20 B.V., Hkz Lp 21 B.V., Hkz Lp 22 B.V., Hubei Shell Energy Company Limited, Hunan Shell Energy Company Limited, Impello Limited, Infineum (China) Co. Ltd., Infineum France, Infineum Holdings B.V., Infineum Italia S.R.L., Infineum Singapore LLP, Infineum USA Inc., Infineum USA L.P., Inspire Energy Holdings LLC, Integral Investments B.V., Invest Region LLC, Irish Shell Trust Designated Activity Company, J & J Lubrication LLC, Jiangsu Shell Energy Company Limited, Jiffy Lube International Inc., Jordan Oil Shale Company B.V., K.K. Red and Yellow, K.K. SVC Tokyo, KE Namibia Company, KE STP Company, KE Suriname Company, Khanty-Mansiysk Petroleum Alliance Closed Joint Stock Company, Khmer Shell Limited, LLC Shell NefteGaz Development, LNG Shipping Operation Services Netherlands B.V., Lazlyng Real Estate Company LLC, Limejump, Limejump Energy Limited, Limejump Intermediate 1 Limited, Limejump Ltd, Limejump Virtual 1 Limited, Limejump Virtual 10 Limited, Limejump Virtual 11 Limited, Limejump Virtual 12 Limited, Limejump Virtual 13 Limited, Limejump Virtual 14 Limited, Limejump Virtual 15 Limited, Limejump Virtual 2 Limited, Limejump Virtual 3 Limited, Limejump Virtual 4 Limited, Limejump Virtual 5 Limited, Limejump Virtual 6 Limited, Limejump Virtual 7 Limited, Limejump Virtual 8 Limited, Limejump Virtual 9 Limited, Limited Liability Company "Shell Neft", Limited Liability Company "Shell Neftegaz Development (V)", Lumaled Pty Ltd, MP2 Energy LLC, MP2 Energy NE LLC, MP2 Energy NY LLC, MP2 Energy Retail Holdings LLC, MP2 Energy Texas LLC, MP2 Generation LLC, MP2 Mesquite Creek Wind LLC, MSTS Payments LLC, Maple Power Holdings LLC, Marco Polo Solar S.R.L., Marine LNG Solutions LLC, Mattox Pipeline Company LLC, Mayflower Wind Energy LLC, Mega Gasolineras SA de CV, Methane Services Limited, Mpower2 LLC, Murphy Schiehallion Limited, Mzalendo Gas Processing Company Limited, N.V. Rotterdam-Rijn Pijpleiding Maatschappij, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V., Netherlands Alng Holding Company B.V., New Market Belgium S.A., New South Oil Pty Ltd, NewGen Neerabup Pty Ltd, NewGen Power Neerabup Pty Ltd, NewMotion, Noble Assurance Company, Noordzeewind B.V., Noordzeewind C.V., North Alam El-Shawish Petroleum Company, North Um Baraka Petroleum Company, North West Shelf LNG Pty Ltd, OLF Deutschland GmbH, OME Resources Australia Pty Ltd, Oakey Power Holdings Pty Ltd, Obaiyed Petroleum Company, Ocean Century Tf Limited, Oryx Caspian Pipeline L.L.C., Out Performers Trading Pty Ltd, P S Pipeline Sendirian Berhad, PR Microgrids LLC, PT Shell LNG Indonesia, PT. Shell Indonesia, PT. Shell Manufacturing Indonesia, Pacwest Energy LLC., Paqell B.V., Parc Eolien Aisne 1, Parc Eolien Corrèze 1, Parc Eolien Côtes Armor 1, Parc Eolien De Mervent, Parc Eolien HM1, Parc Eolien Haute-Saône 1, Parc Eolien Jura 1, Parc Eolien Marne 1, Parc Eolien Oise 1, Parc Eolien Oise 2, Parc Eolien Somme 1, Parc Eolien Somme 2, Parc Eolien Yonne 1, Parc Eolien de la Vrine, Pecten Arabian Company, Pecten Brazil Exploration Company, Pecten Midstream LLC, Pecten Orient Company, Pecten Orient Company LLC, Pecten Producing Company, Pecten Somalia Company Limited, Pecten Trading Company, Pecten Victoria Company, Pecten Yemen Masila Company, Pecten do Brasil Servicos de Petroleo Ltda., Pennzoil Products International Company, Pennzoil-Quaker State Company, Pennzoil-Quaker State International Corporation, Pennzoil-Quaker State Nominee Company, Pertini Vista Sdn. Bhd., Petroleum Resources (Thailand) Pty. Limited, Petrolon Europe Limited, Petrolon International Limited, Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation, Point Fortin LNG Exports Limited, Portfolio Holdings, Positive Energies LLC, Pottendijk Energie B.V., Pottendijk Wind B.V., Pottendijk Zon B.V., Power Limited Partnership, Powermetric Metering Pty Ltd, Premium Velocity Auto LLC, Private Oil Holdings Oman Limited, Provista Ventures Sdn. Bhd., Pure Energy Resources Pty Limited, QCLNG Operating Company Pty Ltd, QCLNG Pty Ltd, QGC (B7) Pty Ltd, QGC (Exploration) Pty Ltd, QGC (Infrastructure) Pty Ltd, QGC Common Facilities Company Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 2 Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 3 Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 4 Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 5 Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 6 Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 7 Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 8 Pty Ltd, QGC Holdings 9 Pty Ltd, QGC Midstream Holdings Pty Ltd, QGC Midstream Investments Pty Ltd, QGC Midstream Land Pty Ltd, QGC Midstream Limited Partnership, QGC Midstream Services Pty Ltd, QGC Northern Forestry Pty Ltd, QGC Pty Limited, QGC Sales Qld Pty Ltd, QGC Train 1 Pty Ltd, QGC Train 1 Tolling Pty Ltd, QGC Train 1 UJV Manager Pty Ltd, QGC Train 2 Pty Ltd, QGC Train 2 Tolling No.2 Pty Ltd, QGC Train 2 Tolling Pty Ltd, QGC Train 2 UJV Manager Pty Ltd, QGC Upstream Finance Pty Ltd, QGC Upstream Holdings Pty Ltd, QGC Upstream Investments Pty Ltd, QGC Upstream Limited Partnership, QPI and Shell Petrochemicals (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Qatar Shell GTL Limited, Qatar Shell Research & Technology Centre QSTP-LLC, Qatar Shell Service Company W.L.L., Quaker State Investment Corporation, Queensland Electricity Investors Pty Ltd, Queensland Gas Company Pty Ltd, RDK Ventures LLC, RESCO B.V., RK Caspian Shipping Company LLC, Raffinaderij Shell Mersin N.V., Raizen Combustíveis S.A., Ramacca Solar S.R.L, Rashid Petroleum Company S.A.E., Rhein-Main-Rohrleitungstransportgesellschaft mbH, Rheinland Kraftstoff GmbH, Richmond Valley Solar Thermal Pty Ltd, Roma Petroleum Pty Limited, Rotterdam Hydrogen Company B.V., Ruvuma Pipeline Company Limited, S T Exchange Inc., SASF Pty Ltd, SCL Pipeline Inc., SCOGI GP, SELAP Limited, SFJ Inc., SGA (Queensland) Pty Ltd, SHELL Slovakia s.r.o., SOI Finance Inc., SOPC Holdings East LLC, SOPC Holdings West LLC, SOPC Southeast Inc., SPNV Deutschland Beteiligungsges. mbH, STISA (Pty) Limited, STT (Das Beneficiary) Limited, SWEPI LP, Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited, Sakhalin LNG Services Company Ltd., Salym Petroleum Development N.V., Salym Petroleum Services B.V., Sand Dollar Pipeline LLC, Sarawak Shell Berhad, Saxon Oil Limited, Saxon Oil Miller Limited, Schiehallion Oil & Gas Limited, Seapos Ltda., Select Carbon, Select Carbon Pty Ltd, Sgai Pty Limited, Shell & AMG Recycling B.V, Shell & Disa Aviation España S.L., Shell & MOH Aviation Fuels A.E., Shell & Turcas Petrol A.S., Shell (Beijing) Real Estate Consulting Ltd., Shell (China) Limited, Shell (China) Projects & Technology Limited, Shell (Petroleum Mining) Company Limited, Shell (Shanghai) Petroleum Company Limited, Shell (Shanghai) Technology Limited, Shell (Sudan) Petroleum Development Company Limited, Shell (Switzerland) AG, Shell (Tianjin) Lubricants Company Limited, Shell (Tianjin) Oil and Petrochemical Company Limited, Shell (US) Gas & Power M&T Holdings Inc., Shell (Zhejiang) Petroleum Trading Limited, Shell (Zhuhai) Lubricants Company Limited, Shell Abu Dhabi B.V., Shell Additives Holdings (I) B.V., Shell Additives Holdings (II) B.V., Shell Adria d.o.o., Shell Aircraft Limited, Shell Albania Block 4 B.V., Shell Americas Funding (Canada) Limited, Shell Argentina S.A., Shell Australia FLNG Pty Ltd, Shell Australia Natural Gas Shipping Limited, Shell Australia Pty Ltd, Shell Australia Services Company Pty Ltd, Shell Austria Gesellschaft mbH, Shell Aviation Finland Oy, Shell Aviation Limited, Shell Aviation Sweden AB, Shell Bahamas Power Company Inc., Shell Bermuda (Overseas) Limited, Shell Bolivia Corporation, Shell Borneo Sendirian Berhad, Shell Brands International AG, Shell Brasil Petroleo Ltda., Shell Brazil Holding B.V., Shell Brazil Holding GmbH, Shell Bulgaria Ead, Shell Business Development Central Asia B.V., Shell Business Development Middle East Limited, Shell Business Service Centre Sdn. Bhd., Shell California Pipeline Company LLC, Shell Canada BROS Inc., Shell Canada Energy, Shell Canada Limited, Shell Canada OP Inc., Shell Canada Products, Shell Canada Resources, Shell Canada Services Limited, Shell Caribbean Investments Limited, Shell Caspian B.V., Shell Caspian Pipeline Holdings B.V., Shell Catalysts & Technologies Americas LP, Shell Catalysts & Technologies Belgium N.V., Shell Catalysts & Technologies Canada Inc., Shell Catalysts & Technologies Company, Shell Catalysts & Technologies Holdings Inc., Shell Catalysts & Technologies LP, Shell Catalysts & Technologies Leuna GmbH, Shell Catalysts & Technologies Limited, Shell Catalysts & Technologies Pte. Ltd., Shell Catalysts & Technologies US LP, Shell Catalysts Ventures Inc., Shell Chemical Appalachia LLC, Shell Chemical Company of Eastern Africa Limited, Shell Chemical LP, Shell Chemicals (Hellas) Limited, Shell Chemicals Arabia L.L.C., Shell Chemicals Canada, Shell Chemicals Europe B.V., Shell Chemicals Limited, Shell Chemicals Philippines Inc., Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte. Ltd., Shell Chemicals U.K. Limited, Shell Chile S.A., Shell China B.V., Shell China Exploration and Production Company Limited, Shell China Holding GmbH, Shell China Holdings B.V., Shell Clair UK Limited, Shell Club Corringham Limited, Shell Colombia S.A., Shell Communications Inc., Shell Company (Hellas) Limited, Shell Company (Pacific Islands) Limited, Shell Corporate Director Limited, Shell Corporate Secretary Limited, Shell Corporate Services Switzerland AG, Shell Czech Republic A.S., Shell Deepwater Borneo Limited, Shell Deepwater Royalties Inc., Shell Deepwater Tanzania B.V., Shell Deutschland Additive GmbH, Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, Shell Development (PSC19) Pty Ltd, Shell Development (PSC20) Pty Ltd, Shell Development Iran B.V., Shell Development Oman LLC, Shell Developments (HK) Limited, Shell Distributor (Holdings) Limited, Shell Downstream Inc., Shell Downstream Services International B.V., Shell Downstream South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Shell E and P Offshore Services B.V., Shell EP Holdings (EE&ME) B.V., Shell EP Holdings Inc., Shell EP Holdingselskab Danmark ApS, Shell EP International Limited, Shell EP Middle East Holdings B.V., Shell EP Offshore Ventures Limited, Shell EP Oman B.V., Shell EP Russia Investments (III) B.V., Shell EP Russia Investments (V) B.V., Shell EP Somalia B.V., Shell EP Wells Equipment Services B.V., Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd, Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Ltd, Shell Egypt N.V., Shell Egypt Trading, Shell Employee Benefits Trustee Limited, Shell Energy (China) Limited, Shell Energy Asia Limited, Shell Energy Australia Pty Ltd, Shell Energy Company, Shell Energy Deutschland GmbH, Shell Energy Europe B.V., Shell Energy Europe Limited, Shell Energy Ghana Limited, Shell Energy Holding GP LLC, Shell Energy Holdings Australia Limited, Shell Energy India Private Limited, Shell Energy Investments Australia Pty Ltd, Shell Energy Investments Limited, Shell Energy Italia S.R.L., Shell Energy Marketing and Trading India Private Limited, Shell Energy Merchants Canada Inc., Shell Energy Mexico S.A. de C.V., Shell Energy North America (Canada) Inc., Shell Energy North America (US) L.P., Shell Energy Pakistan (smc-private) Limited, Shell Energy Philippines Inc, Shell Energy Resources Company, Shell Energy Retail GmbH, Shell Energy Retail Limited, Shell Energy Retail Poland Sp. z o.o., Shell Energy Supply UK LTD., Shell Energy UK Limited, Shell Energy do Brasil Gás Ltda., Shell Energy do Brasil Ltda., Shell Enerji A.S., Shell Erdgas Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Shell Erdgas Marketing GmbH & Co. KG, Shell Erdoel und Erdgas Exploration GmbH, Shell España S.A., Shell Expatriate Employment US Inc., Shell Exploración y Extracción de México S.A. de C.V., Shell Exploration & Production Company, Shell Exploration B.V., Shell Exploration Company (RF) B.V., Shell Exploration Company (West) B.V., Shell Exploration Company B.V., Shell Exploration Company Inc., Shell Exploration New Ventures One GmbH, Shell Exploration Venture Services B.V., Shell Exploration and Development Libya GmbH I, Shell Exploration and Production (100) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (101) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (102) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (103) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (105) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (106) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (107) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (82) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (84) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (89) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (90) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (91) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (92) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (93) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (94) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (96) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (99) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LI) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LVIII) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LXI) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LXII) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LXV) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LXVI) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LXXI) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (LXXV) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production (XL) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Africa Limited, Shell Exploration and Production Brunei B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Colombia GmbH, Shell Exploration and Production Holdings B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Investments B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Libya GmbH, Shell Exploration and Production Mauritania (C10) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Mauritania (C19) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Services (RF) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production South Africa B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Tanzania Limited, Shell Exploration and Production Ukraine I B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Ukraine Investments (I) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production Ukraine Investments (II) B.V., Shell Exploration and Production West-Siberia B.V., Shell Exploration et Production du Maroc GmbH, Shell Exploration und Produktion Deutschland GmbH, Shell Finance (Netherlands) B.V., Shell Finance GB Limited, Shell Finance Luxembourg Sarl, Shell Finance Switzerland AG, Shell Fleet Solutions Consorzio, Shell Frontier Oil & Gas Inc., Shell GNL Peru S.A.C., Shell GOM Pipeline Company LLC, Shell Gas & Power Developments B.V., Shell Gas (LPG) Holdings B.V., Shell Gas B.V., Shell Gas Gathering Corp. #2, Shell Gas Holdings (Malaysia) Limited, Shell Gas Iraq B.V., Shell Gas Marketing Pte. Ltd., Shell Gas Marketing U.K Limited, Shell Gas Nigeria B.V., Shell Gas Supply Trinidad Limited, Shell Gas Trading (Asia Pacific) Inc., Shell Gas Venezuela B.V., Shell Gas and Energy Philippines Corporation, Shell Generating (Holding) B.V., Shell Geothermal B.V., Shell Global LNG Limited, Shell Global Solutions (Deutschland) GmbH, Shell Global Solutions (Eastern Europe) B.V., Shell Global Solutions (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Shell Global Solutions (Thailand) Limited, Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc., Shell Global Solutions Australia Pty Ltd, Shell Global Solutions Canada Inc., Shell Global Solutions Holdings (Thailand) Limited, Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Shell Global Solutions Service (Thailand) Company Limited, Shell Global Solutions Services B.V., Shell Greenland A/S, Shell Guam Inc., Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc., Shell Hasdrubal Limited, Shell Holdings (Bermuda) Limited, Shell Holdings (U.K.) Limited, Shell Holdings Switzerland AG, Shell Hong Kong Limited, Shell Hungary Trading close Company Limited by shares, Shell Hydrogen Deutschland GmbH, Shell Hydrogen Operations & Production BV, Shell India Markets Private Limited, Shell Information Technology International B.V., Shell Information Technology International Inc., Shell Information Technology International Limited, Shell Integrated Gas Oman B.V., Shell Integrated Gas Thailand Pte.Limited, Shell International B.V., Shell International Exploration and Development Italia S.p.A., Shell International Exploration and Production B.V., Shell International Exploration and Production Inc., Shell International Finance B.V., Shell International Gas Limited, Shell International Limited, Shell International Petroleum Company Limited, Shell International Trading Middle East Limited, Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Limited, Shell Internationale Research Maatschappij B.V., Shell Internet Ventures B.V., Shell Investments NZ Limited, Shell Iraq Petroleum Development B.V., Shell Iraq Services B.V., Shell Italia E&P S.p.A., Shell Italia Holding S.p.A., Shell Italia Oil Products S.R.L., Shell Japan Limited, Shell Kazakhstan B.V., Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V., Shell Korea Limited, Shell Kuwait Exploration and Production B.V., Shell LNG Bunkering B.V., Shell LNG Gibraltar Limited, Shell LNG Port Spain B.V., Shell LNG T&T Ltd, Shell Lake Charles Operations LLC, Shell Leasing Company, Shell Lubricants Egypt, Shell Lubricants Japan K.K., Shell Lubricants Supply Company B.V., Shell Lubricants Switzerland AG, Shell Luxembourgeoise Sarl, Shell MDS (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad, Shell MRPL Aviation Fuels and Services Limited, Shell MSPO 2 Holding B.V., Shell Macau Limited, Shell Macau Petroleum Company Limited, Shell Malaysia Limited, Shell Malaysia Trading Sendirian Berhad, Shell Management and Consulting Company Limited, Shell Manatee Limited, Shell Manufacturing Services B.V., Shell Marine Personnel (I.O.M.) Limited, Shell Marine Products (US) Company, Shell Marine Products Limited, Shell Markets (Middle East) Limited, Shell Midstream LP Holdings LLC, Shell Midstream Operating LLC, Shell Midstream Partners GP LLC, Shell Midstream Partners L.P., Shell Mobility Polska Sp. z o.o., Shell Mozambique B.V., Shell Myanmar Energy Pte. Ltd., Shell México Gas Natural S. de R.L. de C.V., Shell México S.A. de C.V., Shell NA Gas & Power Holding Company, Shell NA LNG LLC, Shell Namibia Upstream B.V., Shell Nanhai B.V., Shell Nederland B.V., Shell Nederland Chemie B.V., Shell Nederland Raffinaderij B.V., Shell Nederland Verkoopmaatschappij B.V., Shell Netherlands Canada Financing B.V., Shell New Energies Australia Pty Ltd, Shell New Energies Holding Europe B.V., Shell New Energies NL B.V., Shell New Energies Norway AS, Shell New Energies UK Ltd, Shell New Energies US LLC, Shell New Ventures Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Shell New Zealand Pensions Limited, Shell Nigeria Business Operations Limited, Shell Nigeria Closed Pension Fund Administrator Ltd, Shell Nigeria Exploration Properties Alpha Limited, Shell Nigeria Exploration Properties Beta Limited, Shell Nigeria Exploration Properties Charlie Limited, Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Ltd, Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Echo Limited, Shell Nigeria Gas Ltd (SNG), Shell Nigeria Infrastructure Development Limited, Shell Nigeria Offshore Prospecting Limited, Shell Nigeria Ultra Deep Limited, Shell Nigeria Upstream Ventures Limited, Shell North America Gas & Power Services Company, Shell North Sea Holdings Limited, Shell OKLNG Holdings B.V., Shell Offshore (Personnel) Services B.V., Shell Offshore Inc., Shell Offshore Response Company LLC, Shell Offshore Services B.V., Shell Offshore Upstream South Africa B.V., Shell Offshore and Chemical Investments Inc., Shell Oil & Gas (Malaysia) LLC, Shell Oil Company, Shell Oil Company Investments Inc., Shell Oil Products Company LLC, Shell Olie OG Gas Holding B.V., Shell Oman Exploration and Production B.V., Shell Oman Trading Limited, Shell Onshore Ventures Inc., Shell Operaciones Peru S.A.C., Shell Overseas Holdings (Oman) B.V., Shell Overseas Holdings Limited, Shell Overseas Investments B.V., Shell Overseas Services Limited, Shell Pakistan Limited, Shell Pensioenbureau Nederland B.V., Shell Pension Reserve Company (SIPF) Limited, Shell Pension Reserve Company (SOCPF) Limited, Shell Pension Reserve Company (UK) Limited, Shell Pensions Trust Limited, Shell People Services Asia Sdn. Bhd., Shell Petrol A.S., Shell Petroleum (Malaysia) Ltd, Shell Petroleum Inc., Shell Petroleum N.V., Shell Philippines Exploration B.V., Shell Pipeline Company LP, Shell Pipeline GP LLC, Shell Polska Sp. z o.o., Shell Project Development (VIII) B.V., Shell Property Company Limited, Shell Pulau Moa Pte Ltd, Shell QGC Holdings Limited, Shell QGC Midstream 1 Limited, Shell QGC Midstream 2 Limited, Shell QGC Pty Ltd, Shell QGC Upstream 1 Limited, Shell QGC Upstream 2 Limited, Shell Quebec Limitée, Shell RDS Holding B.V., Shell RSC Company, Shell Rail Operations Company, Shell Research Limited, Shell Response Limited, Shell Retail and Convenience Operations LLC, Shell Retraites SAS, Shell Road Solutions (Zhenjiang) Co. Ltd, Shell Road Solutions Xinyue (Foshan) Co. Ltd., Shell Sabah Selatan Sendirian Berhad, Shell Sakhalin Holdings B.V., Shell Sakhalin Services B.V., Shell Salym Development B.V., Shell Sao Tome and Principe B.V., Shell Saudi Arabia (Refining) Limited, Shell Seraya Pioneer (Pte) Ltd, Shell Service Station Properties Limited, Shell Services Oman B.V., Shell Servicios México S.A. de C.V., Shell Shared Services (Asia) B.V., Shell Ship Management Limited, Shell Solar Philippines Corporation, Shell Solutions Mexico S.A. de C.V., Shell South Africa Energy (Pty) Ltd, Shell South Africa Exploration (Pty) Limited, Shell South Africa Holdings (Pty) Ltd, Shell South Asia LNG Limited, Shell South Syria Exploration B.V., Shell Spain LNG S.A.U., Shell Supplementary Pension Plan Trustees Limited, Shell Taiwan Limited, Shell Tankers (Singapore) Private Limited, Shell Tankers (U.K.) Limited, Shell Tankers Australia Pty Ltd, Shell TapUp B.V., Shell Technology Ventures Fund 1 B.V., Shell Thailand E&P Inc., Shell Thrift & Loan Fund Trustees Nig Ltd, Shell Timur Sdn. Bhd., Shell Trademark Management B.V., Shell Trademark Management Inc., Shell Trading (M.E.) Private Limited, Shell Trading (US) Company, Shell Trading Canada, Shell Trading International Limited, Shell Trading México S. de R.L. de C.V., Shell Trading North America Company, Shell Trading Risk Management LLC, Shell Trading Rotterdam B.V., Shell Trading Russia B.V., Shell Trading Services Company, Shell Trading Switzerland AG, Shell Transportation Holdings LLC, Shell Treasury Center (West) Inc., Shell Treasury Centre East (Pte) Ltd, Shell Treasury Centre Limited, Shell Treasury Company Switzerland AG, Shell Treasury Dollar Company Limited, Shell Treasury Euro Company Limited, Shell Treasury Luxembourg Sarl, Shell Treasury Malaysia (L) Limited, Shell Treasury UK Limited, Shell Trinidad 5(A) Limited, Shell Trinidad Block E Limited, Shell Trinidad Central Block Limited, Shell Trinidad Ltd, Shell Trinidad North Coast Limited, Shell Trinidad and Tobago Limited, Shell Trinidad and Tobago Resources SRL, Shell Trust (Bermuda) Limited, Shell Trustee Solutions Limited, Shell Tunisia LPG S.A., Shell Tunisia Offshore GmbH, Shell Tunisia Upstream Limited, Shell U.K. Limited, Shell U.K. North Atlantic Limited, Shell U.K. Oil Products Limited, Shell US E&P Investments LLC, Shell US Gas & Power LLC, Shell US Hosting Company, Shell Ukraine Exploration and Production I LLC, Shell Upstream Albania B.V., Shell Upstream Development B.V., Shell Upstream Indonesia Services B.V., Shell Upstream Overseas Services (I) Limited, Shell Upstream Turkey B.V., Shell Venezuela Productos C.A., Shell Venezuela S.A., Shell Ventures B.V., Shell Ventures Company Limited, Shell Ventures Investments B.V., Shell Ventures LLC, Shell Ventures New Zealand Limited, Shell Ventures U.K. Limited, Shell Verwaltungsgesellschaft für Erdgasbeteiligungen mbH, Shell Vietnam Ltd, Shell Western LNG B.V., Shell Western Supply and Trading Limited, Shell WindEnergy Inc., Shell WindEnergy Services Inc., Shell Windenergy NZW I B.V., Shell Windenergy Netherlands B.V., Shell and Topaz Aviation Ireland Limited, Shell and Vivo Lubricants B.V., Shell-Mex and B.P. Limited, Sirius Well Manufacturing Services Pte. Ltd., Sitra Petroleum Company, Snijders Olie B.V., Société de Gestion Mobilière et Immobilière SAS, Société des Pétroles Shell SAS, Sohar Solar Qabas (FZC) LLC, Solar-EW II B.V., Solen Life Insurance Limited, Solen Versicherungen AG, Sonnen, Sonnen Australia Pty Limited, Sonnen GmbH, Sonnen Holding GmbH, Sonnen Inc., Sonnen Japan Kabushiki Kaisha, Sonnen S.R.L., Sonnen eServices Deutschland GmbH, Sonnen eServices GmbH, Sonnen eServices Italia S.R.L., Southern Petroleum No Liability, Starzap Pty Ltd, Station Managers of Puerto Rico Inc., Stazioni Autostradali Bellinzona SA, Studio X LLC, Sunshine 685 Pty Limited, Suzhou Liyuan Retail Site Management Co. Ltd., Synthetic Chemicals (Northern) Limited, Syria Shell Petroleum Development B.V., Syriaga Neftegaz Development LLC, TBG Tanklager Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., TMR Company LLC, TRINLING Limited, Tamba B.V., Tankstation Exploitatie Maatschappij Holding B.V., Tanzania LNG Limited, Tejas Coral GP LLC, Tejas Coral Holding LLC, Tejas Power Generation LLC, Telegraph Service Stations Limited, TetraSpar Demonstrator ApS, Texas Petroleum Group LLC, Texas-New Mexico Pipe Line Company, Thai Energy Company Limited, The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company Limited, The Asiatic Petroleum Company Limited, The Consolidated Petroleum Company Limited, The Green Near Future 5 B.V., The Mexican Eagle Oil Company Limited, The New Motion B.V., The New Motion Belgium BV, The New Motion Deutschland GmbH, The New Motion EVSE Limited, The New Motion France SAS, The Shell Company (W.I.) Limited, The Shell Company of Hong Kong Limited, The Shell Company of India Limited, The Shell Company of Nigeria Limited, The Shell Company of Thailand Limited, The Shell Company of The Philippines Limited, The Shell Company of Turkey Limited, The Shell Marketing Company of Borneo Limited, The Shell Petroleum Company Limited, The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited, The Shell Transport and Trading Company Limited, The Valley Camp Coal Company, Thermocomfort Limited, Three Wind Holdings LLC, Tiki Tar and Shell India Private Limited, Trident LNG Shipping Services Pty Ltd, Triton Diagnostics Inc., Triton Terminaling LLC, Triton West LLC, True North Energy LLC, Tunisian Processing S.A., UK Shell Pension Plan Trust Limited, Waalbrug Exploitatie Maatschappij B.V., Walloons Coal Seam Gas Company Pty Limited, Walton-Gatwick Pipeline Company Limited, West Sitra Petroleum Company, Wonderbill Limited, Zeco Holdings Inc., Zeco Systems (Canada) Inc., Zeco Systems Inc., Zeco Systems Pte. Ltd., Zeolyst C.V., Zeolyst International, Zhejiang Shell Oil and Petrochemical Company Limited, Zydeco Pipeline Company LLC, euroShell Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, and euroShell Deutschland Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.
The official website for Shell is
Shell is headquartered at 30 CAREL VAN BYLANDTLAAN, THE HAGUE P7, .
Shell's mailing address is 30 CAREL VAN BYLANDTLAAN, THE HAGUE P7, . The energy company can be reached via phone at 31-70-377-9111, via email at [email protected] , or via fax at 31-70-377-3953.
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