Waterheaterrescue.com now sells lined steel pipe nipples in four sizes. Available are plastic-lined 3/4x1 and 15/16-inch; and PEX-lined 3/4x3-inch, 3/4x4-inch and 3/4x6 inch.
Some people use unlined steel nipples, not realizing the dire things that can result. Those will readily corrode if in contact with copper or brass plumbing in water as well as eventually clogging with rust.
Others prefer brass nipples, which will not corrode but will make the water heater's sacrificial anode work harder. When a brass nipple is used between a water heater and a recirculation return line, often corrosion byproduct will clog the line. Using a lined steel nipple will prevent that from happening.
Lined steel won't react with the water heater or the plumbing. The nipples have a fitted end that covers the lip of each end with plastic or PEX and prevents the steel from being exposed to brass or copper in water and corroding. Find out more at waterheaterrescue.com
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